Targ8 is an alternative search engine. It lets you carry out consolidated searches, and see what Google, Bing and Yahoo have to say when it comes to any specific issue. Registration not required.
Click here for more informationsGigablast is a search engine with over 2 billion pages in its index. Gigablast offers fast service, relevant search query results, and a couple of pretty cool extra search features that are well worth your time. Registration not required.
Click here for more informationsYippy is a search engine that lets you search privately. Registration not required.
Click here for more informationsAsk.com is a crawler-based search engine with lots of features. The Ask.com search technology uses semantic and extraction capabilities to recognize the best answer from within a sea of relevant pages. Ask uses click-through behavior to determine a site's relevance. Registration not required.
Click here for more informationsEstablished search service and web portal with broadband entertainment content. Lycos has some excellent parental controls in order to keep the Internet safe for children. Registration not required.
Click here for more informationsRediff.com is a news, information, entertainment, and shopping portal. It is the only India-based website to appear in the first 100 websites. Registration not required.
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