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Copy logo
20GB Free online storage

Copy is a new online backup service similar to Dropbox. Comparing the two offers, we realize very quickly that Copy is actually better than Dropbox, offering as many as 15 giga (to begin with) of free online storage space compared to 2GB of Dropbox. In addition, you will get more 5GB of online storage for each person that you will introduce to the service. The service was recently launched by Barracuda Networks, a leading supplier of security, data protection and backup solutions. Once registere... Registration required.

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Google Drive logo
store files online
Google Drive allows: to store files online

Google Drive allows for users to easily create, share and edit files in real time online, or upload an existing file to the system with 5GB of free storage. It is also a new home for you to access Google Docs including documents, presentation, spreadsheet, form and drawing in a simple folder within a file organizational system. Registration required.

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