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20GB Free online storage
Category: File sharing and hosting
Copy is a new online backup service similar to Dropbox. Comparing the two offers, we realize very quickly that Copy is actually better than Dropbox, offering as many as 15 giga (to begin with) of free online storage space compared to 2GB of Dropbox. In addition, you will get more 5GB of online storage for each person that you will introduce to the service. The service was recently launched by Barracuda Networks, a leading supplier of security, data protection and backup solutions. Once registered and after installing their app for your PC or Mac, you will get a folder on the computer whose content will be automatically synchronized with your online account. Any files that you will move in that folder will be automatically copied and available in your online account. This system allows you to back up files on your computer and possibly to synchronize files between computers or devices (the personal and home computer, or the computer and the smartphone). It will be also possible to share files or subfolders with other people of your choice. For example how many times you wanted to send to your friends photos or documents that were too bulky as an email attachment? Well, with Copy it will take a second to share all that you want. Interested? Click on our link to register and get 20 GB of free disk space: 15 GB + 5GB because we will be your contact. Registration required.
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