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online tab player
Category: Audio editors, Lyrics and music scores
Songsterr is an archive of guitar, bass and drum tabs. It is collaboratively built and maintained by your fellow music lovers. Anyone with Internet access can contribute new tabs and make changes to existing ones. Much like Wikipedia, contributions cannot damage Songsterr because the software allows easy reversal of mistakes and experienced editors are watching to help and ensure that edits are cumulative improvements. Songsterr is also an online tab player which makes learning tabs easier. It accompanies each tab with a song audio and automatically scrolls through each tab, indicating exactly which note is being played. Songsterr has free and paid plans. Free plan gives you access to all the tabs and a subset of player features, including Playback. Signing up for a free Songsterr Account is not required to use Free plan, but will allow you to use favorites and contribute to archive. Songsterr is 100% legal. Support by paid users is the only thing that keeps the site alive by allowing us to pay royalties to music creators. Registration not required.
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