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interactive and customised webradio service
Category: Listening music
Subcategories: live radio
Musicovery allows: to listen music, to listen music online, to listen music legally, to listen music for free, to listen music by genre
Musicovery is an interactive and customised webradio service. Listeners rate songs, resulting in a personalized programme. Reviewers have commented that unlike services that are governed by the user's choice of artist or genre, this method results in more discovery of artists to which the user might not otherwise have been exposed. Musicovery provides dance mix , with the ability to specify the desired dance tempo and similar artist features. Users have the option to limit the selection to a specific year or range of years, as well as to deselect any genre, and genres are color-keyed to the graphic interface. The webradio service is accessible on mobile phone (on 3G/Symbian Nokia Devices). Music files provided by the service are streamed, not downloaded, and the listener can buy all the songs played or tagged as favorite from major online music retailers iTunes, Amazon, and eBay. Registration not required.
Published on 2013-11-16 06:56:40 - Click here to edit or to add informations - Report as not working