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Category: Text editors

A grammar check can come in handy for anyone. Like many, you probably learned many of the grammar rules all throughout your school years. Also, like many, you’ve likely forgotten much of what you learned. Where does the comma go, for instance? Is ending your sentences with a proposition really that bad a practice? Are there hard and fast rules for when to use who, that or which? All of these questions, as well as many more, can plague both amateur and professional writers. Doing a grammar and spell check, all online, helps to settle these questions and give you more confidence in your writing. Write out your text as usual, in whatever word processing program you use. It’s a good idea to go over it yourself, first, to catch any stray words or thoughts and bring them in to order. Then, just head for the online grammar checker and enter your completed text into the text field above. Once you click the button, all you need to do is sit back and let the checker do its work. It will check grammar usage and spelling and give you the final verdict. All you need to do then is make the suggested changes in your text before you send it on its way. Of course, doing a final read through is important to make sure both that you’ve caught everything, and that the changes are ones you agree with. Registration not required.

Published on 2012-07-17 12:18:33 - Click here to edit or to add informations - Report as not working

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