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HTML5games.com is a big directory of online games created using HTML5. HTML5 is the new markup language revision that is already being adopted around the world. The term HTML5 is used broadly to describe the combined power of HTML, JavaScript, CSS3, and other cool and promising web technologies still in their early stages. It has also been used in the gaming context to describe games that can be played without the Flash plugin. What many refer to as “browser games”, at least when they refer to games that can be played without any plugins, are really HTML5 games (browser games is a misnomer- the vast majority of games, whether using a plugin or not, are played in the “browser.” Therefore, it is important to distinguish between any general game that can be played in the browser, and those that use HTML5 (open standards, cross-platform, javascript, webgl, no flash/plugins, etc.). HTML5 is also set to become the foundation of the upcoming mobile gaming era. Although the specification is still in development and will continue to evolve, HTML5 has been progressing much faster than previously anticipated. It isn’t supposed to be “officially” ratified for another 10 years, but millions of developers and web companies have already made the switch, and many more are doing so every day. Check back daily for news and updates. Registration not required.

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