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Sobotong logo
search engine in two languages
Category: Web search

Sobotong is a new search engine that helps you save time with your research. You can search in two languages, so you can have more results for the topic your looking for, searching from websites in other languages.

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SurfWax logo
Category: Web search

SurfWax delivers fast, relevant results and gives searchers many ways to personalize, refine, and explore their results. It is as a solid metasearch engine resource.

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Targ8 logo
Category: Web search
Targ8 allows: to search the web

Targ8 is an alternative search engine. It lets you carry out consolidated searches, and see what Google, Bing and Yahoo have to say when it comes to any specific issue.

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Teoma logo
Category: Web search

Teoma is a search engine with unique relevancy categories (includes rankings based on site popularity).

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WebCrawler logo
Category: Web search

WebCrawler was the first search engine to provide full text search. It is a metasearch engine that blends the top search results from Google, Yahoo!, Bing Sand other popular search engines. WebCrawler also provides users the option to search for categories.

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Yahoo! logo
Category: Web search

Top quality hand crafted search index with high relevancy, currently the 2nd largest search engine on the web by query volume.

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Yandex logo
Category: Web search

Description not available.

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Yippy logo
Category: Web search
Yippy allows: to search the web

Yippy is a search engine that lets you search privately.

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Zuula logo
Category: Web search

Zuula is a metasearch engine that provides search results from a number of different search engines. Zuula can be used to carry out standard web searches, image searches, video searches, news searches, blog searches, and job searches.

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